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바이오 R&D 연구센터의 주 업무 입니다.
- 기능성 바이오소재, 건강기능식품 및 화장품 소재의 연구 및 개발 산학시스템
- 기능성 바이오 소잽 및 제품의 in vivo, in vitro, 마우스 시험 시험기획 및 검증시스템
- 기능성 바이오 소재의 평가 및 제품화 기술
Soft Capsule Lab. |
건강기능식품, 일반식품, 화장품 연질캡슐 제형 연구 개발 |
Solid Form Lab. |
정제, 하드캡슐, 분말, 과립 제형 연구 개발 |
Liquid Form Lab. |
액상, 젤리, 구미 제형 연구 개발 |
Cosmetic Lab. |
기초화장품, 기능성화장품 제형 연구 개발 |
Functional Material Lab. |
기능성 원료의 메커니즘 기반실험 연구 개발 |

바이오 R&D 연구센터의 연구활동입니다.
학회발표논문 (최근 5년간)
- J.M.Kim, J.H. Whang, K.M.Kim, J.H. Koh, H.j.Suh. Preparation of corn gluten hydrolysate with angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory activity and its solibility and moisture sorption, Process Biochemistry, 39, 989-994 (2004).
- JongHo Koh, Hyung Joo Sun, Tae Seok Ahn (2003) Hot-water extract from mycelia od Cordyceps sinensis as a substrate for anibiotic growth promoters Biotechnology Letters 25 585-590. SCI
- J.H. Koh, K.W.Yu, and H.J. Suh (2003) Anti-fatigue and Anti-stress by the Hot-water Fraction from Mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis Biol. Pharm. Bull. 26(5) 691-694 SCI외
- J.H. Koh, K.W. Yu, and H.J Suh 92003) immune enhancing effect by Orally-Administrated Mixture of Saccharomycetes cerevisiae and fermented rice bran J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 13(2) 196-201. SCI
- Jong-Ho Koh, Jin-Man Kim, Un-jae Chang, and Hyung-Joo Suh (2003) Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Hot-water Extract from Mycelia of Crdycepssinensis Biol. Pharm. Bull. 26(1) 84-87. SCI외
- Lee Jinsuk, Deogkeun Kim, Joonpyo Lee, Soonchul Park, Jongho Koh, Seungwook, Kim (2002) Effect of SO2 and NO on growth of Chlorella KR-1 Bioresource Technology, 82, 1-4. SCI
- J.H.Koh, K.W.Yu, and H.J.Suh (2002) Biological activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fermented rice bran as feed additivesLetters Appl. Microbiol. 35, 47-51. SCI
- Yoobeam Lim, Hyungtai Shin, Jongho Koh, Jongyun Kim, Soonyoung Baig, and Jaeheung Lee (2002) Growth of Issatchenkia orientails in aerobic batch and fed-batch culture. Korean J. Microbioll., 40(1), 82-85. SCI
- Jaeheung Lee, Yoobeam Lim, Jongho Koh, Soonyoung Baig, and Hyungtai Shin (2002) Screen a thermotolerant yeast for use as a microbial feed additive. Korean J. Microbiol. Biotech., 12(1) 12-165. SCI
- Jongho Koh, KwangWon yu, HyungJoo Suh, Yangmoon Choi and TaeSeok Ahn (2002) Activation of macrophages and the intestinal immune system by and orally administered decoction from cultured mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis. Biosic, Biotechnol. Biochem,., 66()2) 407-411. SCI
- Lee jinsuk, Deogkeun Kim, Joonpyo Lee, Soonchul Park, Jongho Koh andSangjip Ohh (2001) CO2 fixation by ChlorellaKR-1 using flue gas and its utilization as a feedstuff for chicks. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 11(5) 772-775.
- Kyungmi Kim, Kwangwon yu, Dukho Kang, Jongho Koh, Humshik hong, and HyungJoo Sun (2001) Anti-stress and fatigue effects of fermented rice bran. Biosic, Biotechnol. Biochem., 65(10) 2294-2296. SCI
- Jongho Koh, Kwangwon Yu, Hyungjoo Suh and Taeseok Ahn (2001) Pharmacological activities of the mycelial extract of cultured Cordyceps sinensis. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol